320 Permit Parking spaces removed by Brad Bradford in the Beaches

Details of City Of Toronto Transportation Services Report
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.

Transportation Services is reporting on the results of the permit parking poll undertaken on Pine Crescent, Glen Ames, Long Crescent, Glen Oak Drive, Balsam Road, Pine Glen Road and Glen Stewart Crescent. As directed by City Council via Item TE8.77, the City Clerk mailed polling ballots to the affected residents to determine their level of support for the removal of the overnight permit parking program from their street.

The polling results indicate that, for the above noted streets, the majority of residents on each street voted for the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program. The removal of 320 on-street permit parking spaces would allow vehicles to park for a maximum period of 3-hours, at all times of the day. As there are 27 active permit holders on the streets noted above, Transportation Services does not support removing the program as 27 residents would no longer be able to park overnight on their respective street

If, despite the findings above, Toronto and East York Community Council decides to proceed with removing the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine Crescent, Glen Ames, Long Crescent, Glen Oak Drive, Balsam Road, Pine Glen Road and Glen Stewart Crescent, it may approve the following:

That the Toronto and East York Community Council:

1.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on PineCrescent, between Balsam Avenue and Glen Manor Road East

2.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on GlenAmes, between Southwood Drive and Lee Avenue

3.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on LongCrescent, between Glen Ames and Lee Avenue

4.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Glen OakDrive, between Norwood Road and the North West corner of Glen Oak Drive

5.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on BalsamRoad, between Balsam Avenue and the west end of Balsam Road

6.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine GlenRoad, between Glen Manor Drive East and Pine Crescent

7.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on GlenStewart Crescent, between Southwood Drive and the north south leg of Glen StewartCrescent”

The Ward Councillor has been advised of the recommendation in this report.

If, despite the findings above, Toronto and East York Community Council decides to proceed with removing the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine Crescent, Glen Ames, Long Crescent, Glen Oak Drive, Balsam Road, Pine Glen Road and Glen Stewart Crescent, it may approve the following: "That the Toronto and East York Community Council: 1.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on PineCrescent, between Balsam Avenue and Glen Manor Road East 2.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on GlenAmes, between Southwood Drive and Lee Avenue 3.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on LongCrescent, between Glen Ames and Lee Avenue 4.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Glen OakDrive, between Norwood Road and the North West corner of Glen Oak Drive 5.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on BalsamRoad, between Balsam Avenue and the west end of Balsam Road 6.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine GlenRoad, between Glen Manor Drive East and Pine Crescent 7.Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on GlenStewart Crescent, between Southwood Drive and the north south leg of Glen StewartCrescent" The Ward Councillor has been advised of the recommendation in this report.

From the City Of Toronto – REPORT city-parking

Mayoral Hopeful Brad Bradford Robs Beach Residents of Parking on Pine Crescent

Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine Crescent, between Balsam Avenue and Glen Manor Road East

Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine Glen Road, between Glen Manor Drive East and Pine Crescent

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Mayoral Hopeful Brad Bradford Robs Beach Residents of Parking
By Melissa Peters

On a beautiful summer day, in comfortable shoes with nothing to carry, walking six blocks or more might not seem like a big deal. Renters in the Toronto Beaches might even enjoy the opportunity to explore the area and check out the unique gardens, Little Free Libraries, and, of course, the stunning beaches themselves.

A few months later, though, coming home from Costco with two little kids in an ice storm, finding overnight parking, or any parking at all for that matter, starts to look like one of the most important things in the world.

It all started back in 2019, when between two and four premium Beaches parking spots vanished from the waterfront at Hammersmith and Hubbard. That was around the same time that the resident parking instead became paid parking for shoppers and tourists close to Queen Street East in the popular Beaches neighbourhood.

Fast forward to 2023. It’s been quiet in the Beaches lately. Covid shut down the Beaches Jazz Festival for a couple of years. People were afraid to leave their homes out of fear of contracting COVID-19. Was parking in abundance, or were people too worried about more important things to notice? Maybe it’s just that they weren’t notified about the plethora of parking spots being stolen from their neighborhoods?

It looks like we might just be out of the woods, and tourists are venturing back down to the sparkling water as the weather gets better. Problem is, this leaves absolutely nowhere for the renters and residents to park. It was always a challenge in the Beaches, but something else has changed. The dawn of yet a New horizon of vanishing overnight parking spots. The count has begun.. One of nine streets. .Pine Crescent  80 spots.

25 Over night permit parking spots lost on Long Crescent Beaches Toronto

Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Pine Crescent, between Balsam Avenue and Glen Manor Road East.

Authorize the removal of the overnight on-street permit parking program on Glen Ames, between Southwood Drive and Lee Avenue.

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Enjoy Parking Overnights in the Beaches While You Can. Brad to Remove 100+ Spots.
My mother got approved for a beaches parking pad right under the wire, right before they stopped approving them all together. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time and I will be attending her high school graduation the week of the election. If nobody can get parking pads and nobody can get beaches parking permits, we’re on earth, or in the beaches east end of the Earth are people expected to park? Even beaches homeowners without overnight parking are being forced to walk six blocks, but not all homeowners. It appears There are a select few lucky enough to have on-site parking, a place to park overnight. What a novel concept. And some of those select few don’t think that they should have to look at some pesky vehicle within 30 ft or three blocks of their driveways.

Do renters and fellow homers deserve to be late for work? Do they not deserve overnight parking? Does it not occur to you that this might actually affect property values when even people who own homes can’t find parking because this bill over is affecting the streets beside you? What about tourism? When the world finds out that select Beach homeowners want entire blogs to themselves and feel that they are so entitled that nobody else deserves to park including their own neighbors. There are a lot of people in the beach who have lived here their entire lives, including elderly people disabled people and people who might have cancer or might be pregnant. What about them? How are they supposed to get to their cars? Are they supposed to call the cab to get to their cars when they might be having a baby in 6 or 7 hours? Does this occur to these homeowners?

Vote Brad Bradford if you want to take a cab to your own car!
The count has begun. Long Avenue. 25 spots.





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